CORE 4 Meetings – The Business Tempo
Like great music, tempo is important. For your company to make beautiful music, there needs to be a good tempo. Abrupt changes or uneven tempo will make everyone feel off beat.
These CORE 4 meetings are the key to a great corporate tempo.
Quarterly Offsite
This includes the Annual meeting as well. Research shows humans tend to get off pace about every 90 days. This meeting brings core teams together to get back aligned towards the 10-year Vision and 3-year Foundation and get everyone rallied around the big picture once again. It is a time to review and strengthen the mission/purpose and values of the company; review the accomplished projects and set new rocks for the next quarter as well as evaluate any strategic decisions that need to be made. It is a day long meeting (2 days for the annual) and should be held offsite away from distractions. Everyone leaves aligned and clear on their duties and the communication for their teams.
Weekly Tactical
Meetings can be great. These meetings done right will do more to move your company than almost anything else. The same place, the same time, the same agenda, the same people. 90 minutes exactly.
This meeting is intended to keep everyone aligned and accountable towards their rocks for the quarterly projects as well as a check in on news, issues and metrics of the organization.
Daily Check-in
This short meeting is a massive time saver. So much email can be saved by a short 10-15 minute team meeting each morning to eliminate confusion. Held with whomever is there at the time, it is a chance to check the temperature of the team, see what everyone is tackling for the day and offer help where needed in real time.
1 Item Meeting
This meeting is to have as needed for a specific single agenda-item meeting. When something arises in one of the other meetings, it can be addressed in its own meeting. The agenda is that single item only and the only people in the room are the people needed to tackle that item.
Note: The quicker you institute this tempo, the faster your team will get aligned and you will start seeing a healthy organization develop.
CHALLENGE: Sit down and schedule out a year of quarterly meetings. Pick the best time, day and location for your weekly team meeting and who should attend. Commit to one week of daily check-ins.